Organising committeeThe Metabolism Studio of the Lyon Urban School was founded at the end of 2020 by the four young researchers (two PhD students and two post-docs) whose profiles are presented below.
Yann Brunet is a doctoral student in history at the Lyon Urban School/Université Lumière Lyon 2, and is attached to the LER (Laboratoire d'Etudes Rurales) and EVS (Environnement, Ville, Société) laboratories. He is supervised by Pierre Cornu, Laurence Rocher and Stéphane Frioux. His study deals with a geohistory applied to three Western cities (Lyon, Montreal and Manchester) analyzed through the prism of the residual materials they produce, from the second half of the 20th century to the present day. The aim is to understand the way in which these materials intervene in the production of these spaces over the medium/long term. Clément Dillenseger is a doctoral student at the Lyon Urban School and the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon under the supervision of Michel Lussault. He is attached to the EVS laboratory. His research focuses on cleanliness and dirtiness in three European cities: Lyon, Vienna and Athens, and is based on the intersection of several qualitative methods. Considering that the management of urban cleanliness is a management of urban metabolism, he tries to trace the stakeholders and to question the ethical, political and aesthetic implications.
holds a PhD in Geography from the University of Grenoble Alpes (accessible here), is a researcher associated with EVS laboratory (Lyon), and is currently a post-doctoral fellow at the Urban School of Lyon. His research focuses on a politicized approach to urban metabolism, approached from the perspective of infrastructures dedicated to waste recovery. It is also anchored in a comparative North/South approach that aims to study various forms of socio-technical regimes of waste management. Laëtitia Mongeard holds a PhD in Geography at the Université Lumière Lyon 2, member of the Environnement Ville Société laboratory (UMR EVS). After a thesis dedicated to the production of demolition waste as secondary raw materials within the LabEx IMU, she is completing a post-doctoral fellowship with the Centre d'Études des Tunnels dedicated to the production of excavated materials in underground works, other materials giving an understanding of the metabolism of materials. This research is continuing to consider tunnels as infrastructures, as a post-doctorate at the Urban School of Lyon. All of this research contributes to the analysis of the contribution of metabolism to the technosphere. |
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