
Lyon Urban School Lyon Urban School
The Lyon Urban School is a "Convergence Institute" program which was created in June 2017 by the Commissariat-General for Investment (CGI) as part of the Investments for the Future project (PIA2). It is led by Michel Lussault, a geographer and professor in urban studies at the École Normale Supérieure de Lyon (ENS de Lyon). Through its experimental interdisciplinary project for research, doctoral training and the economic, social and cultural promotion of scientific knowledge, the Lyon Urban School is breaking new ground by establishing an emerging field of knowledge and expertise: the Urban Anthropocene.
Labex IMU - Intelligence des Mondes Urbains Labex IMU - Intelligence des Mondes Urbains
The Laboratory of Excellence* - LabEx IMU, winner of the 1st call for "Laboratory of Excellence" projects under the French "Investissements d'Avenir" program, is a research and experimentation facility focused on the city, the urban, metropolization and urbanization. Its mission is to stimulate, produce, capitalize on and promote scientific and technical expertise on past, present and future urban worlds, while contributing to the actions of public authorities and private players. IMU brings together a wide range of scientific fields (around 530 researchers from 32 teams and laboratories at the University of Lyon, covering 29 different disciplines). It integrates practitioners from local authorities and institutions, companies and competitiveness clusters into its research. IMU's ambition is to create the conditions for collective intelligence in the processes of urbanization and metropolization by ensuring the exercise of radical scientific plurality that opens up new horizons of knowledge and innovation.
Studio Métabolisme Studio Métabolisme
Created in November 2020, the Studio Métabolisme, dedicated to metabolisms, is led by doctoral and post-doctoral students of the Lyon Urban School. Its objective is to bring together, around the concept of "metabolism", a large panel of researchers and young researchers in a dialogue between the exact and experimental sciences, the arts and the humanities and social sciences. By organizing seminars, study days, workshops and conferences, the Studio's activities are aimed at anyone interested in issues related to the environment and the Anthropocene: students, professionals and engineers included. The scientific bias of the Studio is to show the research being done with the help of sketchnotes, systematic reports, video recordings and podcasts available at the end of each event.
Environnement Ville Société (EVS) Environnement Ville Société (EVS)
The research unit UMR 5600 "Environment City Society" (EVS) brings together research communities stemming from a wide range of disciplines from social sciences and humanities. Researchers belong to universities and colleges of the Lyon Saint-Etienne pole.
École normale supérieure de Lyon École normale supérieure de Lyon
The École normale supérieure de Lyon is an elite French public institution that trains professors, researchers, senior civil servants as well as business and political leaders. Students choose their courses and split their time between training and research in sciences and humanities. Built on the tradition of the ENS de Fontenay-Saint-Cloud, founded in 1880, the ENS de Lyon also focuses on educational research. It is a symbol of French Republican meritocracy and it remains committed today to disseminating knowledge to the widest audience and to promoting equal opportunity.
Institut Convergence PLASCAN – Institut François Rabelais Institut Convergence PLASCAN – Institut François Rabelais
The Francois Rabelais Institute for Multidisciplinary Cancer Research is built around the cancer biology research carried out by the Centre Léon Bérard (CLB), the Lyon Cancer Research Centre (CRCL) and the LabEx DEVweCAN. Its aim is to structure a multidisciplinary institute on the site and in the vicinity of the CLB, where researchers from different disciplines and medical oncologists will be able to work together in the field of cancer plasticity and its impact on personalized medicine. Its objective, through multi and interdisciplinary approaches, is based on the characterisation of each tumour in its environment and the identification of new targets in order to develop new drugs while blocking the development of resistance, relapse and tumour escape. This will provide a long-term response for patients. In order to better understand the medical and socio-economic challenges, human and social sciences will be an integral part of the project to define the current limits of personalised medicine.
Lab'Urba Lab'Urba
Lab'URBA is defined mainly by its inclusion in the Paris School of Urban Planning, which was created by the merger of the two main French urban planning institutes. Lab'URBA's perimeter also includes teacher-researchers who share its values and work on urban issues, notably in the geography department of the Université Paris Est Créteil (UPEC), the Urban Engineering department of the Université Gustave Eiffel (formerly the Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée) and the Ecole des ingénieurs de la Ville de Paris (EIVP).
Université de Lyon Université de Lyon
The Université de Lyon is academic community (COMUE – Communauté d’universités et établissements) gathering 11 member and 24 associated institutions in Lyon and Saint-Étienne.
Université Paris-Est Créteil Université Paris-Est Créteil
With its 7 faculties, 8 schools and institutes, 1 observatory and 33 research laboratories, the Université Paris-Est Créteil has been present in all fields of knowledge since 1970.
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